Notion 是一款集成了笔记、知识库、数据表格、看板、日历等多种能力于一体的应用程序,它支持个人使用者单独使用,也可以与他人进行跨平台协作。在 2016年3月 发布了 1.0 版本。1
2020年5月25日,Notion 发现 GFW 屏蔽了 Notion,2 稍后向大陆用户发布了邮件,告知了近期暂时无法使用,以及现已恢复的情况:
关于 Notion 在中国的状况 (Status of Notion in China)3
{你的用户名} 你好,
近期你所在的区域或暂时无法使用 Notion,对此我们深表歉意。我们的团队正在密切关注这一情况的发展。我从小在国内出生长大,所以我们非常关切在中国的用户。
在过去的 24 小时中,Notion 服务已经在中国的部分地区恢复了。希望更多的地区会在接下来的几天内恢复服务。我们团队将努力确保 Notion 产品在国内的稳定性,你也可以随时通过 和我们的官方推特账号 @NotionHQ @NotionStatus 查看 Notion 的服务状态。
我们对无数国内用户对于 Notion 的厚爱深表感激。因为您将宝贵的笔记、知识库等信息托付给我们,我们深知自己肩上的责任,Notion 团队始终将确保用户的信息安全作为第一要务,同时努力让中国用户的体验更好。 我代表我个人和 Notion 的全体团队感谢你对我们的理解与支持!
Notion 联合创始人 & CEO
Hi Craig,
You're receiving this message because you live in a region where Notion was blocked for some users yesterday. We wanted to reach out directly to let you know we're aware and closely monitoring the situation. I grew up in China, so this is of special importance to me.
We're already observing the ban being lifted across the country, and hope to see even more progress over the next few days. At the same time, we're working on next steps to ensure consistent uptime, and we'll keep you updated via Twitter and our Notion status page.
We know that many people in China like yourself have entrusted us with incredibly important content, notes, and work. We take this responsibility very seriously, and are taking all measures to keep your information safe and re-establish access.
The whole team and I really appreciate your patience. It means a lot to us.
Thank you,
Co-founder & CEO,
根据 TechCrunch 的报导来看,导致封禁的原因可能是 2020年5月21日 Notion 在大陆的下载量飙升,而这可能跟 Notion 开放个人免费使用,4 以及像素级抄袭的软件「寒舟」的争议有关。5
寒舟是照抄 Notion 的一款网页软件,除了界面,甚至连例子(教程)也有大量照搬。
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Notion Status, "Notion is blocked by a firewall in China. We are monitoring the situation and will continue to post updates.", Twitter, 2020-05-25. (参照 2023-01-29). ↩
Craig., "Huge thanks to lvan and @NotionHQ team, you guys are amazing.", Twitter, 2020-05-26. (参照 2023-01-29). ↩
Rita Liao, Work collaboration unicorn Notion is blocked in China [Update: It’s back], TechCrunch, 2020-05-25. (参照 2023-01-29). ↩
iOrz, 《照抄 Notion 界面、代码、接口的产品:寒舟》, V2EX, 2020-05-23. (参照 2023-01-29). ↩