New Slave
一个说明(A Clarification)
这段时间,New Slave这首歌在不同的地方都获得了一点点关注,谢谢大家的观看和评论,我感到诚惶诚恐——写这首歌,是为了想要让大家一起来反思,我们应该如何面对问题、解决问题; 但是,我的本意绝不是没有根据的批判和分裂。 我始终热爱我的国家、热爱这片土地上的人们,坚信它的统一和安定的根本必要性。我写这首歌的本意,是因为我看到了生命的逝去和我的无能为力,而我感到深切的悲伤。这都来源于我对这一切的爱。1
最后,我不是一个rapper,我只是一个说唱爱好者。我对生活的关注、反思和创作还会继续,感谢所有的批评,希望艰难的时刻快快过去,祝大家平安。peace and love
Hello, this is ASTRO.
These few days, I am very grateful yet nervous that the song “New Slave” has attained some audiences and attention. Essentially, I was writing this song to call for more reflections and more discussions, facing the special time and problems that we are having now. However, it was never my intention to bring ungrounded criticisms and abruptions. I love my country and the people who live here from the very beginning, and I insist to believe the primary necessity of its unity and harmony. I wrote this song because of the deep sorrow I felt when I saw all the death and realized that there is little I could do. I wrote this song all because of this kind of love.
I would like to claim that aside from the social platforms in the mainland of China, only the YouTube Channel was operated by myself. Other reposts, comments, as well as their standpoints do not come from me. Currently, I am notified by my friends and aware that there are some reposts and appropriations on other social platforms, along with voices that went far away for what I am hoping for. Therefore, I closed the public video of New Slave for now at YouTube, and I hope we can all calm down and discuss the problems more rationally.
My reflections about life and content creation will continue. I appreciate all the criticisms and feedback, and I sincerely hope the hard time will pass very soon. I also hope everyone could stay safe and healthy. Peace and love.
方略ASTRO, 《一个说明(A Clarification)》, (2022-04-16). 参照: 2022-04-18. [Online Video]. ↩