2021年5月末,由于错误的流程,导致一个网站被下架。2021年6月18日,该网站被部分香港 ISP 封锁。1
- 管过界? 港警要求以色列公司下架网站 - DW - 04.06.2021
- https://web.archive.org/web/20210706182850/https://www.thestandnews.com/politics/%E9%A6%99%E6%B8%AF%E7%B4%84%E7%AB%A0-2021-網站被封-羅冠聰-警方向網站供應商發信要求下架-指內容或違國安法
- Wix on Twitter: "Hello, the website was removed by mistake. We have reviewed our initial screening and the website should have never been removed. We have reinstated it and sincerely apologize. We're reviewing our screening process to ensure that mistakes such as this do not repeat in the future.… https://t.co/qraf7LVea9"