Tom Fowdy
被 CGTN 取消供稿的资格#
2021年11月18日,Tom Fowdy 在今日俄罗斯 (RT) 发表了一篇名为《Why China is losing the war of words with the West》的文章。1
结果 CGTN 在之后禁止了 Tom Fowdy 向 CGTN 供稿。
以下是 Tom Fowdy 在 2021年11月29日 03:09 发送到新浪微博的话:
I discovered this morning I have been banned for writing for CGTN ever again over the article I published in RT.
I don't have any regrets over what I wrote. I wrote that piece because I love China and I despise what the US are doing in their propaganda war every day.
Sometimes though we cannot run away from the truth just because we want to pretend things are great, when they may not be.
If we cannot be honest with ourselves, then how can we confront the lies and deceit of others?
I will continue what I do, because what I believe is not built on their approval.2
2021年11月29日 07:38,发送了一则请求联名对 CGTN 表达意见的新浪微博:
Angry about CGTN's treatment of me?
Please write to them yourself and express your opinion at:
and make sure you address it to editor, "Bi Jianlu" (毕建录)3
China did not let me down. Just one person in CGTN. Important difference!4
随后这些新浪微博都被删除了,不过也能注意到 Tom Fowdy 没有将被 CGTN 封锁的消息发送到推特。5
- Tom Fowdy has been banned from writing from CGTN for writing on RT "Why China is losing the war of words with the West" : China
- 英国洋五毛Tom Fowdy因在俄爹外宣RT撰文批评中共外宣“在彭帅事件中节节败退”被CGTN封杀 - 新·品葱
- 节目效果炸裂 一位来自英国的洋五毛Tom Fowdy 因为在今日俄罗斯RT上发表了一篇名为《为何中国在与西方的舆论战中节节败退》的文章,而遭到CGTN解雇 (文章中有提及CGTN对于彭帅事件的荒谬|处理方式) 事后Fowdy竟表示:“中国是好的!坏的是CGTN里的某些人” 😅😅😅😅😅😅 : chonglangTV
- 哈哈哈,CGTN破防洋五毛,这也太傻逼了吧 : CLTV
Why China is losing the war of words with the West — RT Op-ed ↩
Naren Kumar on Twitter: "Tom Fowdy begging😂😂" / Twitter ↩
节目效果炸裂 一位来自英国的洋五毛Tom Fowdy 因为在今日俄罗斯RT上发表了一篇名为《为何中国在与西方的舆论战中节节败退》的文章,而遭到CGTN解雇 (文章中有提及CGTN对于彭帅事件的荒谬|处理方式) 事后Fowdy竟表示:“中国是好的!坏的是CGTN里的某些人” 😅😅😅😅😅😅 : chonglangTV ↩
Paper Boats on Twitter: "@Tom_Fowdy announced in Weibo he has been permanently banned from @cgtnofficial, no metion in his Twitter feed though." / Twitter ↩