豆瓣已删除页面,bangumi 隐藏锁定了页面。
还愿 GOG 版下架#
然后 GOG 微博出了些事,GOG发了一条微博,之后又删除了该消息
随后 GOG 在微博与推特都发布了停止上架该游戏的公告,GOG里的游戏主页也被重定向到主页了
- GOG商店页面 Devotion on GOG.com
- 你還願意嗎?心靈恐怖話題作《還願》宣布 18 日在 GOG 平台重新上市《DEVOTION》 - 巴哈姆特
- 【更新】赤燭遊戲獨立發行《還願》將在GOG推出 引發中國玩家不滿突遭下架: 遊戲基地 gamebase
- [新聞] 還願於GOG平台重新上市 - 看板 Steam - 批踢踢實業坊
- Re: [情報] 還願1218重新上市 - 看板 C_Chat - 批踢踢實業坊
- 還願DEVOTION - Relaunch on Dec. 18 - YouTube
- Devotion - Community Wishlist - GOG.com
- Censored horror game Devotion coming to GOG - Polygon
- 赤燭遊戲 - Red Candle Games - facebook
- GOG walks back release of controversial horror game Devotion - The Verge
- Devotion pulled from GOG before it goes live - Rock Paper Shotgun
- Delisted Horror Game Devotion Added to GOG... Then GOG Decides Not to Release It - IGN
- CD Projekt under fire for dramatic U-turn on Devotion GOG release • Eurogamer.net
- GOG won’t sell horror game banned in China after “many messages from gamers” - PCGamesN
- Red Candle Games announces launch of Devotion on GOG; GOG says it won't list it - GamesIndustry.biz
- 還願下架事件延燒,GOG 受到外國網友抨擊 - TechNews 科技新報
- 沉寂近两年 台游戏《还愿》再上架仅两小时遭陆网友抵制下架 - 多维新闻
- 《還願》遭 GOG 下架事件引發關注 已有外國獨立遊戲研發團隊決定將作品退出該平台《DEVOTION》 - 巴哈姆特
- CD Projekt Red 再度出事? GOG平台宣佈《 還願 》下架惹爭議 - GGASIA
- 避免傷害「玩家感情」?GOG 平台遭抗議後下架《還願》商品頁面《DEVOTION》 - 巴哈姆特
- Notch on Twitter: "Wow, brave.… "
- Daniel on Twitter: "what gamers? is the gamer a leader of a country in asia?… "
- Megan Fox on Twitter: "Earlier today, it was assumed that the game SkateBIRD was coming to @GOGcom. After receiving one message from them that undercut a fellow indie dev, we have decided not to list our game in their store."
- 《還願》宣布再上市引爆小粉紅反彈 6小時後迅速「被取消」
redcandlegames on Twitter: "Hello friends, we want to share with you– Red Candle will publish #還願Devotion on Dec 18 on GOG. https://t.co/dlC6qzBiHx The content and the price of the re-release remains the same, for $16.99 / €13.99 Thank you for your trust and support. We wish you a happy end of the year… https://t.co/BhwLu4s61b" ↩
RedCandleGames - https://youtu.be/...大家好,我們是赤燭。團隊的第二款作品 #還願Devotion 即將於12/18於GOG平台重新上市。Devotion本次上市為赤燭遊戲獨立發行,內容與價格不變,售價新台幣499元、美金16.99,支援中/日/韓/英語系。謝謝玩家朋友們給予的信任與支持,也預祝大家年末愉快。 - Plurk ↩